Your First Steps
Why spend endless money on websites when you can do it your self for next to zero? This is how you can do it.
100% Free. No email submit. Just a good guy

It’s Marty Englander, YouTuber, affiliate marketer, business owner and dog lover!
I’ve specially crafted this blog for anyone in the business world looking to take on the challenge of setting up their online assets.
Time is money so let’s get to it.
You’re going to need three core things when it comes to putting your business online.
I’m starting you off with these three core things because it’s genuinely the fundamentals of everything you’re ever going to do or need.
If you don’t have these three core things implemented from the start, you’re always going to be all over the place.
Note: You will always encounter little problems, and you may even throw your hands in the air and shout “F&!k it. I’m just going to hire someone” but let me urge you not to and stick with this.
The amount of money you can save just by sticking it out down the line is often business changing, and I promise I’m going to use as little techy speak and I will keep it as straight to the point and easy to follow with step by step instructions as I possibly can.
I’ve taught over 75,000+ people in the last 12 months how to do things online FOR FREE.
No matter where you are with your business;
It would be best if you had this to succeed online truly.
Let’s cut out the crap digital agencies and marketing service providers say to you and here are what’s needed to
1) Get up and running online
2) Increase traffic
3) Generate Leads
4) Most importantly; AUTOMATE your business.
After all, what’s a good business?
A good business is a set of systems and procedures to accomplish specific tasks.
Whats a great business?
A great business is a set of systems and procedures to accomplish tasks without you.
I’m going to show you how to achieve a great business using systems.
For your peace of mind, everything I present to you is current systems and Softwares I use every single day.
With that said…
Here are the three core things you need.
1) A website
2) An autoresponder
3) A way to generate traffic
Honestly, that’s it.
I’ve broken this down for you with step by step instructions so you can get up and running AND do it with me ASAP with little hassle.
Go ahead and click one of the links above to see how each one can be created.
Now, one last thing. I do offer these services, but If you don’t have a spare £3000+ per month, go ahead and follow my guides because, in my humble opinion and 75,000+ opinions, they are perfect and easy to follow.