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Video Marketing Blaster Review

jasper (11)

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You’ve asked for a Video Marketing Blaster Review so buckle up because I dug deep.

NOTE: Video Marketing Blaster has been upgraded to the cloud based version called Videly.

The best way to think of Video Marketing Blaster is a Mass Video Marketing Blaster Tool.

Video Marketing Blaster Review

With VMB you will Instantly be able to research low competitive, highly searched keywords, automatically create perfectly optimised SEO titles, descriptions, and tags, find out what your competitors are doing, see how hard it will be to beat your competition,

and mass upload unlimited amounts of Youtube videos using all the SEO text the VMB creates for you on autopilot.

Im an active user of Video Marketing Blaster Pro so I’ve gone ahead and created a ton of VMB Case studies you will find helpful but if you prefer to read, see below.

  • It’s well built and easy to use no matter your tech level. They also include training videos for every option the software has.
  • The keyword tool makes life easy to quickly find keywords you would not have thought of. It’s also pretty fast when it comes to finding and generating them for you.
  • The video details feature has a ton of handy features such as mass capitalisation for your titles and the bulk add minor details like URLs and phone numbers is excellent. The dynamic field tab makes spinning your text simple and convenient to use.
  • Having the ability to save templates for the video details is a big YES in my eyes as it streamlines the whole process making everything go much faster.
  • It’s nice to be able to categorise everything as if they are individual campaigns so you can leave the software and pickup where you left off.
  • The niche analysis tool is a big USP as it’s fast, nicely colour graded and tells you how and what needs to be done to get to number one on Google and Youtube.
  • It’s nice to have a rank tracker without limitations. You can add as many keywords to track in bulk or single listings, and with a quick update button, you will see all your relevant rankings.



The general idea of how VMBP works is pretty simple; If you want to get seen on Google and Youtube you need to be put infront of people.

To be put infront of people you need to have content (video) presented at just the right time.

Using VMBP you can auto generate what people are searching for and mass upload video(s) using the optimised searches Marketing Blaster presents you with.

It’s a numbers game. The videos you have uploaded for search phrases the greater chance you will be seen, clicked on, and contacted by potential customers.

It’s kind of like having a big banner sign on the side of a busy motorway but the difference is, Marketing Blaster is much more targetted, cheaper, and you can have your sign (video) on hundreads of motorways in less than 10 minutes.

Let’s say you own a plumbing business.

The sorta services you will be offering will be things like: pipe repairs, tap fittings, toilet repairs, leak repairs etc…

You would open Video Marketing Blaster Pro and

  1. type one of your services names into the keyword tab
  2. select all the keywords you want to rank for
  3. go to niche analysis and see how hard/easy your keywords are for ranking
  4. go to the video details tab and mass generate all your titles, descriptions, and tags and also mass enter your websites and numbers you want including on your videos
  5. head over to youtube and upload your videos using the information VMBP has generated for you

Literally, that’s it.

Live Video Marketing Blaster Case Study Ranking a Doggy Day Care Business

In this video I show you live how Im ranking a non existent doggy day care business #1 on Google and Youtube. Proof of rankings are in this video.



Video Marketing Blaster pricing is a tiny fee of $97 but with my discount here you can get it for $27, which is madness considering the amount of value you get from it.

If you already get conversions from Video Marketing – you’re likely going to get your money back within the first day of applying the software and making it live.

My Conclusion:

Every person who uses Video Marketing for marketing should be using VMB; Here is why:

  • According to SEOTribunal: “Google receives over 63,000 searches per second on any given day.”
  • According to Hootsuite: “Youtube has 2 billion logged-in monthly users”
  • According to Biteable: “81% of businesses use video as a marketing tool — up from 63% over the last year”
  • According to Biteable: “Users view more than 1 billion hours of video each day on YouTube.”
  • According to Wordstream: “51% of marketing professionals worldwide name video as the type of content with the best ROI.”
  • According to Wordstream: “Sixty-four percent of consumers make a purchase after watching branded social videos”