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Use AI To Build Profitable 20 Minute Apps [LIVE WORKSHOP]


Table of Contents

Unlock the Power of AI with Moti Englander’s “20 Minute Apps” Workshop

Are you ready to dive into the world of AI app development? By reading this blog, you’ll discover how to create a complete AI app with a management, membership, and payment system, all without any prior coding experience. You’ll also learn about the three core stages of the workshop, how to connect a Stripe account, and the additional tools and resources available to you. Don’t miss out on this opportunity to enhance your skills and create profitable AI-powered apps. Join the workshop now and transform your ideas into reality!

Introduction to the “20 Minute Apps” Workshop

Moti Englander invites everyone to his latest workshop, “20 Minute Apps.” This workshop is designed to help you build an AI app with a fully integrated management, membership, and payment system. The best part? You only need an idea to get started. The process is powered entirely by AI, making it accessible to anyone, regardless of their technical background.

Stage 1: Ideas that Sell

Finding Profitable Ideas

In the first stage of the workshop, you’ll learn how to find profitable ideas in any niche or business type. This is crucial because a great app starts with a great idea. Moti will guide you through the process of identifying market needs and potential gaps that your app can fill. You’ll also gain access to an app validator tool, which helps assess the profitability of your ideas before you invest time and resources into development.

Stage 2: AI App Builder

Building the App Without Coding

The second stage focuses on using a new software to build your app without any design, coding, or programming skills. This AI-powered app builder simplifies the entire development process, allowing you to create a fully functional app in just 20 minutes. You’ll follow Moti’s over-the-shoulder style teaching during a one to three-hour live session, ensuring you understand each step of the process.

Connecting Your Stripe Account

Once your app is built, you’ll learn how to connect a Stripe account to manage payments easily. This integration allows you to set app pricing and handle transactions seamlessly, providing a smooth user experience for your customers.

Stage 3: Money Traffic

Attracting Viral Traffic

The final stage of the workshop teaches you how to implement a 90-second video system to attract viral traffic and customers. This strategy is designed to boost your app’s visibility and drive more users to download and use your app. Additionally, you’ll have access to a content creator planner app, which helps you plan and promote your app’s content effectively.

Additional Benefits of the Workshop

Interactive Q&A Session

The workshop includes a 30-minute Q&A session, where you can ask Moti any questions you have about the app development process. This interactive session ensures that you leave the workshop with a clear understanding of how to create and promote your AI-based app.

Access to Workshop Recordings

If you can’t attend the live session or want to revisit the material, you’ll have access to recordings of the workshop in a private members area. This allows you to learn at your own pace and refer back to the content whenever you need a refresher.

Limited Spots Available

To prevent saturation and ensure personalized attention, spots for the workshop are limited. This exclusivity means you’ll receive high-quality instruction and support throughout the app development process.


The “20 Minute Apps” workshop by Moti Englander is an incredible opportunity to learn how to create and promote AI-powered apps easily. With step-by-step guidance, valuable tools, and interactive sessions, you’ll be well-equipped to turn your app ideas into profitable realities. Don’t miss out on this transformative experience – secure your spot today and unlock the power of AI in app development!

Common Questions

What is the “20 minute apps” workshop about?

The “20 Minute Apps” workshop, led by Moti Englander, is designed to help participants build a complete AI app with integrated management, membership, and payment systems. The workshop is accessible to everyone, even those without any coding or design experience. Participants will learn how to create profitable AI-powered apps in just 20 minutes using an AI-powered app builder.

How will AI be used to create the app in the workshop?

AI will be used to simplify the app development process. Participants will use an AI-powered app builder that requires no design, coding, or programming skills. The AI handles the technical aspects, allowing users to focus on their ideas and business needs. Moti Englander will guide participants through each step, ensuring they can create a fully functional app quickly and easily.

What are the three core stages of the workshop?

The workshop is divided into three core stages:
1. **Ideas that Sell**: Finding profitable app ideas in any niche and using an app validator tool to assess their potential.
2. **AI App Builder**: Building the app without coding or design skills using a new AI-powered software.
3. **Money Traffic**: Implementing a 90-second video system to attract viral traffic and using a content creator planner app to promote the app effectively.

How can I find profitable app ideas in any niche?

In the first stage of the workshop, you’ll learn how to identify market needs and potential gaps that your app can fill. Moti Englander will guide you through the process of finding profitable ideas in any niche or business type. You’ll also gain access to an app validator tool, which helps you assess the profitability of your ideas before investing time and resources into development.

What is the unknown software used to build the AI app?

The workshop introduces a new AI-powered app builder software that simplifies the entire development process. This software allows participants to create a fully functional app without any coding, design, or programming skills. The specific name of the software is not mentioned, but it is a key tool used in the second stage of the workshop.

Do I need coding or design skills for this workshop?

No, you do not need any coding or design skills to participate in the “20 Minute Apps” workshop. The AI-powered app builder used in the workshop handles all the technical aspects, making it accessible to anyone regardless of their technical background.

How does the 90 second video system attract viral traffic?

The 90-second video system taught in the final stage of the workshop is designed to attract viral traffic by creating engaging and shareable content. This strategy helps boost your app’s visibility and drives more users to download and use your app. The system leverages the power of short, impactful videos to capture attention and generate interest.

What is included in the app validator tool?

The app validator tool included in the workshop helps you assess the profitability of your app ideas. It evaluates market needs, potential gaps, and the overall viability of your concept before you invest time and resources into development. This ensures that you focus on ideas with the highest potential for success.

How does the content creator planner app help with promotion?

The content creator planner app helps you plan and promote your app’s content effectively. It assists in organizing your promotional activities, ensuring that you consistently create and share content that drives traffic and engagement. This tool is particularly useful in the final stage of the workshop, where the focus is on attracting viral traffic and increasing your app’s visibility.

Will there be a recording available if I can’t attend the live workshop?

Yes, if you can’t attend the live session, you’ll have access to recordings of the workshop in a private members area. This allows you to learn at your own pace and revisit the material whenever you need a refresher. The recordings ensure that you don’t miss out on any valuable information or guidance provided during the live workshop.
