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10DollarSoloAds Review


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10DollarSoloAds Review

In today’s blog, I’m going to be reviewing a platform called 10DollarSoloAds.


SoloAds are probably one of the best ways an online business or even an offline business can start creating an email list.

In business, they say the money is in the database.

Well, online businesses, the money is in the email database.

SoloAds is a way you can utilize other people’s lists in whatever niche, whatever industry you’re in, and send them over to what we call a squeeze page.

This allows us to capture that information and even potentially get them to purchase our offer or something on those lines.

10DollarSoloAds claim to help us do just that with quality databases.

Now they offer four core things;

1) Targeting feature. In other words, they allow us to target any niche we want to focus on.


If you’re in the “make money niche”, they will target people looking to make money online or something along those lines.

If you’re in the “dog niche”, they will target people who love dogs or something along those lines.

2) Unique prospects. This means they are only ever going to send out an email to one person. They’re not going to repeat our email to the same person because obviously, that’s counterproductive.

That should go without saying, but you do get a lot of Cowboys in this industry who blast that email, and they don’t filter emails or care about anything else.

The fact 10DollarSoloAds are going out of there way to say this is a decent indicator that hopefully what they’re saying is true and they do think and care about these things.

3) Third-party tracking. This means they tell us how many clicks we got. It’s a nice feature, but I’m going to be using my tracking software called ClickMagiK. It’s really good, very affordable and very, very reliable. Click here for more information about ClickMagik.

10DollarSoloAds Review 1

4) Professional Email Copywriting. This means if you don’t already have an email script promoting your offer, all you need to do is give them some guidelines or send them over to your squeeze page, and they will take notes, and they will create a, hopefully, exciting script that you can use.


10DollarSoloAds Pricing Plans.


  • Once Per Month Ad – $10/per ad.
  • Weekly Ad – $10/per Ad. (Pay for the month = $40)
  • Deluxe Ad – $20/per Ad (Pay for the month = $80)

Once you select your package, you will be assigned an account manager with next step actions and your login account details.

How 10DollarSoloAds work

10DollarSoloAds Review 2

  1. Step one, request add writing.
  2. Step two, submit your solo ad.
  3. Step three, choose to target. (this is optional).

10DollarSoloAds Results

Results from SoloAds always vary on countless things but I will post my results with Clicks and sales as and when they happen below so make sure you keep an eye out on my blog.

Week 1

➡️ Discounted Links I use In This Case Study

Week 2

➡️ Discounted Links I use In This Case Study

Week 3

➡️ Discounted Links I use In This Case Study

Week 4

➡️ Discounted Links I use In This Case Study

Week 5

➡️ Discounted Links I use In This Case Study

